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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Juicers: Scare Tactics Don't Work - Health - Fitness

Recently ESPN.com asked readers who have used anabolic steroids about their experiences using the drugs and whether they believe the health warnings issued by doctors and coaches. Below is a sampling of the responses. (You can find the whole report on their website - follow the link at the foot of this page):-


I have used in the past, on and off for a total of twoyears. None of the reports of side effects are completelyaccurate. I had studied up on the risks and precautionsnecessary to take and followed them judiciously. The onlyeffects I experienced were an irrepresible confidence,muscle growth, fat loss and strength gains. I never wentoverboard with the amounts I took and cycle on and off everytwo months.

I feel steroids are safe if they are legitimate (i.e. notcounterfeit) and the user knows what he/she is doing. I'vetaken cold medicines that had more severe effects on me thansteroids. I'm not saying everyone should go out and usethem, but I am saying it's ridiculous athletes should beworried about going to jail for building a good physique orbeing good at a particular sport.

A.J.Washington, D.C.


When I was a junior in high school two years ago, I wasn'tstarting on the JV football team. I knew I had to preparefor my senior year, so a few friends and I started juicing.I went from third-string strong safety to starting afterjust three weeks.

I could tell there was a major difference in me. I wasgetting a lot stronger and more aggressive. I went fromweighing 130 to 155 pounds. My bench press went from 210 to260 pounds, and my squat went from 300 to 410 pounds. My 40-yard time was at 4.98. After a few weeks I was running a4.61.

The side effects were not so great. I would get huge,painful zits on my face. My attitude was really bad.Everyone could tell I was using them. My face got puffy. Theworst thing that happened to me was I got kidney stones. I'mnot sure if the 'roids did it, but I had to have surgerythree times. Really painful.

But besides that, it was good. I got more respect on thefootball field. I had other teams saying, "Watch out fornumber 9!" Which was me. That was a great feeling.

A.A.College Station, Texas


As a gymnast for 12 years, I was obliged to take bothsteroids and cortisone shots to keep competing. I mustcertainly say that both have taken their toll on my body. Iam now a college cheerleader and have consistent healthproblems because I don't take the drugs anymore. My bodybecame somewhat dependent on them, and as long as I tookthem, I was not in pain, and every skill was relativelyeasy. Now, going back to working out, tumbling, etc. andcompeting all naturally, it is much more difficult, and Ifeel a little behind everyone else.

With the help of steroids and cortisone shots (when I wasinjured and would normally be resting in bed), I was outcompeting for national championships. It gave me anartificial sense of superiority and ability to contend. Now,I feel as though my body was cheated in a way -- it isalmost harder for me to be on the same level as everyoneelse naturally. Emotionally, it has also been very batteringas well. I deeply regret ever taking steroids, for it has cost medearly afterwards.



I'm a 22-year-old who played rugby in college. I have onlydone one cycle of steroids but plan to do more in thefuture. I feel that the public has many misconceptions aboutsteroids and that when used correctly, steroids can increaselean muscle tissue as well as improve sports performance.The horror stories and scare tactics reported from steroiduse are a result of abuse as well as people taking steroidswithout researching them first. All drugs have side effectsthat can be very dangerous when used incorrectly, andsteroids are no exception.

The side effects that I can report from my cycle include:increased libido, increase in body hair growth, acne, andmost importantly, a tremendous increase in lean muscletissue. Of these side effects, I would only consider theacne and body hair to be negative.

Brandon TaylorChicago


I'm sure many people have been dissuaded from takingsteroids because they believed what they were told bydoctors and health authorities regarding anabolic/androgenicsteroids -- much the same way that many children have beendiscouraged from venturing from their beds after bed timefor fear of the boogeyman. The boogeyman never existed, butit's probably safer and easier to have the children in theirbeds anyway. Even if it's a lie.

My point is this: I don't deny that steroids can, if abused,cause health problems. However, the risks have been grosslyexaggerated. It's time for the medicos to re-evaluate theirapproach to the subject and regain some credibility. Theyalso have to recognize that their dismissive attitudetowards those who wish to enhance their physique or athleticperformance lacks insight. Our desire to excel in thesethings is no mere whim. It is our pursuit of happiness,something nobody should be denied.

GregGold Coast, Australia


I'm a former football player at a predominant NCAA DivisionI school. I knew nothing about steroids except that I wastold they were bad for you and you shouldn't take them.After doing research, I concluded that the side effects ofsteroid use were grossly exaggerated, and I would use them.I mentioned to another player (that) I thought might "use"and found out that a decent number of the top players wereusing steriods.

So at age 19 I began using. In under a year I had gained 40pounds, and I have been able to keep it all. I have beenusing for almost two years now and have still kept all theweight (while) spending months at a time not using. I havereceived no side effects. I have a perfectly healthy heartrate and blood pressure. I have had no testicular atrophy,hair loss or acne. Steroids aren't candy, but they are notthe evil substance many want us to believe.



I am glad ESPN.com finally brought to light the rampant useof illegal steroids in athletics today. It is the proverbialelephant in the room that everybody knows about, but no onewants to speak of. The usage of these steroids is probablymuch more widespread than anyone realizes. As a formermember of my high school football team and now an amateurboxer, I can safely say that 50 percent of the athletes thatI know have used or currently use a substance banned by mostprofessional sports.

I myself currently use nandrolone decanoate, commonly knownas Deca-Durabolin. I inject it bi-weekly to maintain aconstant level in my blood. Because of the rarity of sideeffects as well as significant anabolic effects, it is themost commonly used steroid among my peers. It is quiteexpensive, however, running me $30 dollars per injection.For this reason, many people I know use European or Mexicancounterfeits that are very similar, but not as good.I make no apologies for my usage of illegal steroids. Thesad truth is that I have no hope of succeeding in boxingwithout them.

Barry P.New York, N.Y.


I'm a 27-year-old former college football player. I feelthat the information provided by the press and other formsof media is absolute (falsehoods). I have personally usedsteroids and know at least 50 others who have. I have neverseen or heard of a legit case of "roid rage" or any healthcomplications from the use of steroids.

The thing that bothers me the most is that a doctor willprescribe weight loss drugs, painkillers and cosmetic drugsto just about anyone that walks into the office. But if aperson walks in and ask for steroids, they get the "thosethings are so dangerous, they will kill you speech."

C.A.Siloam Springs, Ark.


I still take steroids in high school. All those idiots testus for is weed. I let my 'roid rage win us football games.The system can't stop me.

AnonymousLebanon, Tenn.


If you want to see the whole report then visit ESPN.com here /gen/s/2000/1212/942045.html

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